QUALIFICATION: M. Psychiatric (Mental Health) Nursing
- As a Speaker on Bi- centenary Celebration Programme in Institute of Psychiatry – COE on CASE REPORT – Dissociative Conversion Disorder in 2017
- As a speaker and organizer in the 5 days monthly Training and and Human aspects held at Institute of Psychiatry-COE, from the month of February to June 2018.
- 4 Days Kolkata Mental Health fair from 09/01/2020 to 12/01/2020 – given lecture on “Physical illness can cause Mental Illness”.
- National Work shop on Research Methodology – “Transversing pathway” in St. John college of Nursing.
- Attended state annual conference 2017 conducted by TNAI on the theme: A voice to lead: Achieving the Sustainable Developmental goals
- Attended 22nd Annual National Conference-Nursing Research Society of India.
- Attended TNAI Conference.
- In 2021, online webinar ‘Nationwide capacity building of nursing professionals for comprehensive management of covid-19 in children’ organized by Directorate General of Health Services, MoHFW, Government of India, in collaboration with ECHO India.
Certification: Passed the certificate course ofNutrition from Indira Gandhi National Open university
Areas of Research-
Nursing Research done on-
- A study to assess the stress and coping strategies among children of Alcohol Dependents in Urban areas in Bangalore”
- Group study done– A study to assess the knowledge and Attitude among the psychosocial stress of Senior citizen in Urban areas, Maraimalar Nagar, Karnataka”
Professional Affiliation: TNAI membership
Areas of Interest: Tourism & Painting.